- Payment should be made by the 26th of each month or no later than before the first session in the first week of the following month.
- If payment is late, a penalty of $2 will be applied.
- There are 4 sessions per month. Students and teachers are expected to complete the 4 sessions before moving on to the next month.
- If the student has paid for the current month but has not completed 4 sessions, they are still required to pay for the following month by the 26th as stated in point 1
- If the student is unable to attend, the class can be rescheduled.
- Notice must be given no later than 3 hours before the scheduled class. The teacher has the right to declare the class forfeited if notice is given less than 3 hours before, otherwise, it will depend on the agreement between the teacher and the student. For Home Visit classes (where the teacher goes to the student’s house), the teacher has the right to declare the class forfeited if the student cancels less than 3 hours before the class or if the teacher is already on their way to the student’s house.
- Rescheduled classes must be completed within 2 months; otherwise, they will be considered forfeited. Students or parents are expected to discuss and arrange the rescheduling with the teacher.
- The 5th week of the month is a holiday, unless there is an agreement between the teacher and the student to use it as a makeup day. The same applies to public holidays.
- If the student requests a break, any remaining unused class sessions will be forfeited if not made up within 2 months.
- To apply for a break, the student is required to pay a break fee of $10. The break fee must be paid no later than the 1st of the break month.
- The maximum break period is 2 months. If the student resumes lessons after that, a re-registration fee of $20 will be charged.
- If the teacher arrives late to the student’s house (for Home Visit) or is late to join the Zoom/Google Meet (for online classes), the class duration will still begin as scheduled and will not be shortened. The duration will start from when the teacher arrives at the student’s house (for Home Visit) or begins the session on Zoom/Google Meet (for online classes).
- Pembayaran dilakukan setiap tanggal 26 atau selambat-lambatnya sebelum pertemuan pertama di minggu pertama bulan berikut.
- Apabila terlambat melakukan pembayaran maka akan dikenakan denda sebesar Rp 15.000,00.
- Setiap bulan terdapat 4x pertemuan. Murid dan guru diharapkan menggenapi 4x pertemuan sebelum berganti bulan berikutnya.
- Apabila murid sudah membayar di bulan tersebut tetapi belum genap 4x pertemuan maka murid tetap wajib membayar untuk bulan berikut di tanggal 26 berjalan sesuai dengan poin nomor 1.
- Apabila murid berhalangan hadir, kelas dapat diganti ke hari lain.
- Pemberitahuan selambat-lambatnya 3 jam sebelum jadwal kelas. Guru berhak menyatakan kelas hangus apabila kurang dari 3 jam, selebihnya tergantung pada kesepakatan guru dan murid. Untuk kelas Home Visit (guru datang ke rumah murid), guru berhak menyatakan kelas hangus apabila murid izin mendadak kurang dari 3 jam sebelum kelas atau saat guru sudah berangkat ke rumah murid.
- Penggantian kelas berlaku dalam rentang 2 bulan, selebihnya dianggap hangus. Murid atau orang tua murid diharapkan untuk bertanya dan mengatur dengan gurunya mengenai jadwal penggantian.
- Minggu ke-5 adalah hari libur, kecuali terdapat kesepakatan antara guru dan murid untuk digunakan sebagai hari penggantian. Sama halnya dengan tanggal merah.
- Apabila murid mengajukan cuti, maka sisa jadwal kelas yang belum dihadiri akan hangus jika tidak diganti dalam 2 bulan.
- Untuk mengajukan cuti, murid wajib membayar biaya cuti sejumlah IDR 100.000. Biaya cuti dibayarkan selambat lambatnya sebelum tanggal 1 bulan cuti.
- Cuti paling lama 2 bulan, jika masuk setelahnya, maka ada biaya pendaftaran ulang sejumlah IDR 150.000
- Apabila guru terlambat datang ke rumah murid (bagi yang Home Visit) atau terlambat masuk zoom/gmeet (bagi yang online), maka durasi kelas tetap dimulai sesuai kelas dan tidak berkurang yaitu terhitung sejak guru tiba di rumah murid (bagi yang Home Visit) atau memulai kelas di zoom/gmeet (bagi yang online).